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Corso online

The next on-line course will be Saturday 18 December 2023 at 9.00.

come creare un icenso.jpeg

Maximum 10 participants

Duration: approximately 4 hours

Cost €50

To participate you can purchase your participation online:

Or send an email with your name, surname and telephone number or via WhatsApp to 3898459442 (also indicating your email), to request participation in the course.
You will receive a confirmation email with the details to make the payment via bank transfer. Once receipt of the bank transfer has been confirmed, registration will be confirmed.

The course program is as follows:

  • Introduction
    • Aims and objectives of the course
  • Theoretical part
    • Type and classification of incense
    • Raw material
    • Aims and purposes of incense
  • Practical part - In this part we will create an incense mixture and then use it to create sticks
    • Preparation of ingredients
    • Making a mixture
    • Creating incense sticks
  • Conclusions

For those who want to create a mixture, you will only need to have a mortar, a scale and 2 or 3 bowls to use and at least some makko and 2 or 3 types of ingredients.


info@laviadellincenso.it - +39 389.8459442 (whatsapp available)


Data for Money transfer:

Banca: Sella
IBAN: IT25N0326802800000554830190
Intestato a: Lapo Longinotti